Visio solution and Office App development
visualSignals carries out consulting projects and training to help businesses build bespoke visual reporting systems and mapping tools. A typical project could be as small as creating a set of industry specific diagramming shapes or as broad as a sales pipeline tool that integrates into backend corporate databases and CRM systems.
The majority of work is focused on using Microsoft's Visio diagramming tool as a platform for creating visual reporting solutions. There are three key reasons for this choice:
- Rapid development - Visio's sophisticated drawing engine means that you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Projects can typically be delivered in a shorter timescale, thereby reducing costs.
- Adaptable solution - Visio's core capabilities offer highly flexible solutions, which can easily be adapted as the business environment changes.
- Simple to use - Being part of the Microsoft Office family, Visio provides the same familiar user interface as applications such as Word and Excel, which means end-users require minimal training.

About Me
John Goldsmith

I launched visualSignals in January 2007. Since then I've been lucky enough to work with some great customers, building a wide variety of Visio-based solutions, from evidence gathering through to Business Process Mapping.
I've also been a Microsoft MVP (Visio) since 2008, which, amongst many other benefits, puts me in touch with some very smart people right across the globe.
Prior to starting visualSignals, I held a number of roles in the business intelligence area, including as a Director of Cube Analysis Ltd and looking after competitor intelligence at T-Mobile UK Ltd. Even further a field I received an MBA from the University of Bath in 2000.